Bladder Neck Obstruction Treatment

Bladder Neck Obstruction makes the everyday necessity of urinating a real challenge for those who suffer from it. 

Working with Katelaris Urology, you can effectively combat the symptoms of Bladder Neck Obstruction and overcome those challenges. 

Learn more about the latest Bladder Neck Obstruction treatments available to help you. 

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What’s Bladder Neck Obstruction? 

The bladder neck is a set of muscles that help facilitate urinating. As the bladder fills, the muscles contract to prevent urine from escaping, and later retract to allow urine to pass. Sometimes, body abnormalities can stop the muscles from working as they should, preventing urine from flowing normally.  

If left untreated, bladder neck obstruction can cause permanent damage to the bladder, leading to serious health issues such as incontinence, urinary tract infections, and kidney damage.  

Bladder Neck Obstruction

What are the Bladder Neck Obstruction Symptoms? 

There are multiple symptoms of bladder neck obstruction, all urinary. They include: 

Multiple Symptoms of Bladder Neck Obstruction

Some men also experience pain in their back as a symptom of Bladder Neck Obstruction, and more so than women.  

What Causes Bladder Neck Obstruction? 

Among men, the most common cause of Bladder Neck Obstruction is an enlarged prostate – or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), to use its medical term. 

When the prostate enlarges, it blocks the urethra – the tube which carries urine away from the bladder and out of the body – impacting the urination process.  

Other common Bladder Neck Obstruction causes are:

Common Bladder Neck Obstruction Causes

While less prevalent in women, bladder neck obstruction can occur when the vaginal wall weakens with age, after multiple births or menopause. 

How is Bladder Neck Obstruction Diagnosed? 

Urologists use several methods to confirm a Bladder Neck Obstruction diagnosis. 

Video Urodynamics (VUD)

Primarily, Video Urodynamics (VUD) involve running a series of visual tests to assess bladder function and activity. Patients undergo an X-ray or Ultrasound to show what is happening inside the bladder in real-time as it fills and empties, with a doctor checking for the point when obstruction occurs. These visual tests can also look for other factors, such as a narrowing urethra.   


Alternatively, a Cystoscopy may be used to see what is happening inside the bladder. A cystoscope – a long thin tube with a camera and light attached – is fed through the urethra and into the bladder.  

A GP may also take blood tests and urine samples to detect any abnormalities such as cancer cells, blood in the urine or kidney damage.  

How is Bladder Neck Obstruction Treated? 

Nowadays, several effective treatments for Bladder Neck Obstruction are prescribed based on the root cause and patient’s symptoms. Additionally, a specialist will consider a patient’s age, overall health and lifestyle before choosing the best course of Bladder Neck Obstruction treatment. 

Bladder Neck Obstruction Medications and Medical Management 

Current treatments for Bladder Neck Obstruction include: 



UroLift is a prosthetic procedure where tiny implantable ‘staples’ are placed along the prostate gland tissue, lifting it away from the urethra to remove the blockage. It is usually recommended to men with a severely enlarged prostate. 

Outcomes: The many benefits of UroLift include it being a minimally invasive, quick and straightforward procedure (completed in a day visit and under local anaesthetic) with no side effects and a high success rate. It also has no known links to sexual issues like erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation. 



Rezum is a brand of technology that uses water vapour therapy to reduce BPH. Minimally invasive, the procedure works by injecting high-pressure steam into the prostate tissues.  

Outcomes: Patients may not see an improvement in obstructive symptoms for several weeks, and even then, only a modest one. A small percentage will experience retrograde ejaculation as a side effect. 

Green Light Laser Ablation of the Prostate 

This non-invasive treatment is designed to clear blockage to the urinary tract caused by BPH. Here, the prostate tissue is vaporised by laser to relieve bladder neck obstruction and improve urine flow.  

Outcomes: Green Light Laser treatment is usually successful for BPH with an average 5-year efficacy. On the downside, there are high rates of retrograde ejaculation associated with Green Light laser ablation. 


Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) 

TURP remains the leading therapy for treating Bladder Neck Obstruction in Australia, especially for patients with a severely enlarged prostate. It involves surgery in a hospital or private urology clinic, where a surgeon removes a section of the prostate to relieve the pressure on the urethra. 

Outcomes:TURP patientstypically find the treatment successful for over 15 years. However, this form of therapy is another Bladder Neck Obstruction treatment associated with a high rate of retrograde ejaculation. 

Retrograde Ejaculation 

It is impossible to ignore the fact Retrograde Ejaculation – or dry orgasm –is a common after-effect of many Bladder Neck Obstruction treatments. This is a genuine challenge for men wanting to father children and could make newer treatments like UroLift the only viable option. 

As with all medical treatments, discussing all the benefits and potential side effects with a GP or urologist is crucial, helping you choose the one best suited to your circumstances.  

Ways to Prevent Bladder Neck Obstruction 

With BPH a common cause of Bladder Neck Obstruction – and a significant percentage of men suffering with BPH as they grow older – the chances of it happening as you age are high. While it’s impossible to stop the ageing process, there are ways to help prevent BPH and other health issues by looking after yourself in the following ways: 

Ways to prevent Bladder Neck Obstruction

Bladder Neck Obstruction Treatment at Katelaris Urology 

No matter what is causing your Bladder Neck Obstruction, Sydney’s award-winning urological surgeon Dr Phillip Katelaris can help you find a successful solution. 

Katelaris Urology are leaders in UroLift and Rezum treatments Sydney, helping patients successfully overcome their bladder neck obstruction challenges. 

Schedule an appointment with Dr Katelaris today – call (02) 9477 7904. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the success rate of bladder neck obstruction surgery?

There are several types of bladder neck obstruction treatments, all with varying success rates. What’s most important is finding the treatment best suited to the patient’s circumstances. At Katelaris Urology, our team understands your symptoms and lifestyle preferences to help find an appropriate course of treatment, discussing all pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

How long does it take for bladder neck to heal?

All surgical treatments differ in terms of the recovery process, and patients will have their own unique experience – some taking weeks to recover and others months. The team from Katelaris prepare patients based on experience and industry knowledge to prepare you for all outcomes.

Are there any non-surgical treatment options for bladder neck obstruction?

There are several prescription medications available for Bladder Neck Obstruction that do not involve surgery. Alpha blockers are a medication with low success rates and high side effects. Katelaris Urology offers a range of treatments to suit each patient and their circumstances – speak to our team today, and we’ll help you find an appropriate solution in line with your symptoms, age and lifestyle.

How long does the recovery process take after bladder neck obstruction treatment?

Your recovery from Bladder Neck Obstruction depends on the treatment. Some treatments are relatively simple and provide relief of the symptoms in a matter of hours, while others may take a few days or more. Katelaris Urology provides full details of the recovery time when prescribing a surgical solution so you can choose the right path based on your lifestyle and health preferences.

Will bladder neck obstruction treatment affect my sexual function?

Side effects of bladder neck obstruction depend on the type of treatment received. For example, TURP is known to increase the chances of retrograde ejaculation. It is important to consider all known side effects before embarking on a course of treatment.